Dear parents,
With Government’s confirmation that England will be proceeding to the next step of the roadmap out of lockdown, we are pleased to confirm that we are able to return to training from Monday, 19th April at the usual time of 6pm!
We certainly hope your child is able to join us but wanted to remind you of our safety measures before we return:
As adults are still restricted from gathering indoors, we cannot allow parents to stay and watch the session until May at the earliest. We will therefore be keeping the one way system in place for drop off and pick up.
We will continue to encourage the use of the hand sanitiser stations in the hall, which your child can use as they enter and leave the lesson. All doors will also be open for them to minimise contact with surfaces.
The toilets will be available for use and should be the only doors your child will need to open.
The toilets (along with the rest of the hall) will be regularly bleached and cleaned, with antibacterial handwash and paper towels to be used rather than the hand dryers.
Throughout the lesson, your child will be limited to their grade and, where possible, will maintain a safe distance of 1-2 metres from other children and instructors. However, should we need to practice close-quarters techniques, face masks will be worn by the instructor and hand sanitiser used whenever necessary.
We will continue to used our floor mats as usual; these will be cleaned using antibacterial wipes before and after each lesson.
All training weapons can be brought along to the lesson as usual.
Should your child or any member of your family feel unwell – particularly with symptoms relevant to Covid-19, please DO NOT bring your child to the class. If they arrive and show any symptoms, you will be contacted to collect them and the remainder of the lesson will need to be shut down for everyone else.
Otherwise, you’ll be pleased to know, our lesson will run as normal! If you have any questions, you can either contact your Sifu or ask upon arrival.